Established in 2001, Motsamayi Tourism Group is the oldest black-empowered South African tourism entity. With a portfolio spanning attractions, accommodations, and immersive experiences, Motsamayi specialises in curating unique and authentically African adventures.



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Sanctuary Mandela
Sanctuary Mandela Steps

Sanctuary Mandela

Boutique Hotel

Nestled within the lush surroundings of Houghton, Johannesburg, Sanctuary Mandela occupies the very residence that Nelson Mandela called home upon his return from Robben Island. Now, Sanctuary Mandela stands as a re-envisioned residency—a one-of-a-kind boutique hotel with nine curated rooms and retreat spaces. Here, amidst the whispering leaves of the leafy-green suburb, elements of Mandela’s post-imprisonment life intertwine with history, painting a vivid portrait of resilience and hope. 

Sanctuary Mandela offers guests an unforgettable experience—a journey through the life and times of Nelson Mandela. Each of the nine curated rooms and retreat spaces is a sanctuary for reflection, healing, and inspiration. Guests are invited to immerse themselves in Mandela’s world, to walk in his footsteps, and to gain deeper insights into his extraordinary journey.


At the heart of Sanctuary Mandela lies Insights, a fine dining restaurant that serves as a tribute to Mandela’s love for food. Here, guests can savor the flavors of Mandela’s favorite dishes, as lovingly prepared by his long-time personal chef, Xoliswa Ndoyiya. From hearty stews to delicate desserts, each dish tells a story—a testament to Mandela’s appreciation for the simple pleasures of life.


On Sundays, the hotel comes alive with the soulful strains of jazz music, as guests gather for the now-famous Jazz Sunday lunches. Here, amidst the melodies and laughter, visitors can bask in the warmth of camaraderie, enjoying an afternoon of great company, great music, and, of course, great food—a fitting tribute to Mandela’s legacy of bringing people together.


Experience the essence of Mandela’s legacy at Sanctuary Mandela—a sanctuary for the soul, a celebration of hope, and a tribute to the enduring power of love and forgiveness.